The Guiding Mind Podcast
Looking to level up your skills and succeed at life?
Tune in to The Guiding Mind podcast with Eric Almeida, where he shares insights and wisdom on how to live as an honorable man in today’s world.
As a life coach, Eric's podcast is filled with tips and strategies to help you achieve personal success and fulfillment.
Don't miss out on this valuable resource for those seeking to improve their wellbeing!
What Does it Mean to Be a Man?
There is so much conflicting messaging about what it means to be a man today. Should I be sensitive or stoic? Strong or supportive? So many men are confused and it is leading to a lot of struggle and pain.
How Do I Stop Overthinking and Worrying
The voice in our heads can completely drive us nuts! Keeping us up at night and not letting anything go. It doesn't have to be this way. Our minds don't have to torture us day after day.
How to Stop Hating Yourself!
Are you happy with the way you're living your life? For many men the answer is no. But it doesn't have to be that way. There is a clear path from where you are today to the vision that you have for yourself and your life.
Anniversary of the Worst Day of My Life
Eric Almeida shares his personal story about the panic attack that he had 5 years ago and how it lead to him making the necessary changes in his life to become the man that he is today.
The Real Reason Video Games Hurt Men
Video games can be a wonderful form of entertainment. But for many men they invest so much of their lives and effort into worlds that are not real. Everyday life is the true adventure. Video games can never replace the life we have in front of us.
The Obstacle is the Way - Overcoming Hardship
Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that emphasizes personal growth, resilience, and self-improvement. "The Obstacle is the Way" is a central idea of this philosophy that while we cannot control external events, we can control our response to them. " Stoicism encourages us to view obstacles and challenges as opportunities for growth and self-improvement.
Are You Happy with How Your Are Living Life?
Ready to take the first step towards a happier life? All it takes is that first step of having an experienced guide join you on your path.
Become Who You Are Afraid To Be
Eric Almeida discusses his own struggles with being his true self. How fear and the belief that his value came from the opinions of others was holding him back from being the man he is meant to be.
How To Accept What Life Gives You
Life presents us with so many challenges. And when we resist what is in front of us, it creates so much pain and heartache. We don't have to reject our lives in order to improve them.
Take Control of Your Mind
So many of us try to control the world around us. But all we end up doing is driving ourselves crazy. So much of life is outside of our control. But we can control one thing, and that is how we respond to life.
Letting Go of Past Mistakes
Each and every one of us makes mistakes in our life. It's important for us to learn from those mistakes; otherwise, they will haunt us for years to come.
How to Deal with Self Doubt
Eric Almeida talks about his own doubts around the way he lives his life. How the influences of his father have impacted his approach to work and how that conflicts with his true desires for life.
Why Are Men Unhappy?
Men work so hard at some many aspects of their life: work, family, friends. But so many men are unhappy with the way they are living their lives. It doesn't have to be this way.
Letting Go of Shame From My Past
Shame is such a destructive emotion. A sense of disgust aimed out ourselves. But you can learn from shame and be able to let it go so it doesn't haunt you anymore.
Why Guys Don't Accept Help
The men in your life can be suffering so much but they still won't accept help. It's not just stubbornness. There is a lot more involved in not receiving help when it is offered.
I Thought God Hated Me
Our minds need to have an understanding of how our worlds work. But that understanding can cause us to believe things about our lives that are not true.
Why Its Bad For Men to Lock Up Emotions
Men have a difficult time understanding and processing their emotions. So for many of them, they just bury their emotions in hopes of not dealing with them at all. But they don't realize the consequences of doing that to themselves and the people around them.
The Secret to Self Discipline
Discipline is this super power that the wealthy and product have found a way to access. But there is a way to harness self discipline to your advantage.
Chasing Happiness Will Make You Miserable
So many people try to to be happy all of the time but what they don't realize is that by trying to be happy each and every moment they are actually making themselves miserable.
Live a Life Free from Anger and Frustration
Many of us are frustrated and angry with the lives that we are living.