The Role of the Reticular Activating System in Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

In an episode of The Guiding Mind podcast, mental health coach Eric Almeida explains how our minds are designed to create shortcuts that simplify the world around us. These shortcuts help us function better and be more efficient in our daily lives. However, these shortcuts are influenced by our psychological beliefs, which filter our conscious minds with relevant information based on what we need to know.

The Role of the Reticular Activating System

One of the key parts of our brain that filters information and presents us with what is relevant to our needs is the Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS was essential for hunter-gatherers and helps us focus on what we want to achieve in our daily lives. This means that if we set clear goals and focus on what we want, the RAS will filter out irrelevant information and present us with opportunities that align with our goals.

The Influence of Psychological Beliefs on Shortcuts

However, our psychological beliefs play a significant role in the shortcuts our minds create. These beliefs can limit our potential and hold us back from achieving our goals. These limiting beliefs are formed from experiences and absorbed from outside sources like teachers, parents, and personal experiences.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

To overcome these limiting beliefs, Eric Almeida advises paying attention to one's inner dialogue and catching self-deprecating moments. By being aware of our negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, we can replace them with positive self-talk and empowering beliefs.

Guided Visualization Exercise

In his coaching practice, Eric conducts a guided visualization exercise with his clients, having them imagine standing on a stage with a script filled with harmful beliefs. The script is a product of many authors, including teachers, parents, and personal experiences. Clients are asked to connect with their younger selves and to write a new belief to replace the limiting one. This new belief is said aloud until they feel complete.

Changing Beliefs to Change Reality

The goal of this exercise is to replace negative beliefs with positive ones, creating a more positive self-image. By becoming aware of our limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones, we can unlock our full potential and achieve our goals. As Eric Almeida explains, "By changing your beliefs, you change your reality."


In conclusion, our minds are designed to create shortcuts that simplify the world around us. These shortcuts are influenced by our psychological beliefs, which can limit our potential and hold us back from achieving our goals. To overcome these limiting beliefs, it is essential to be aware of our negative self-talk and replace it with positive self-talk and empowering beliefs. By changing our beliefs, we can change our reality and unlock our full potential.


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