Release and Flow

Are you struggling to feel connected with your life? The Guiding Mind blog provides information, tips, and resources for overcoming the difficulties of life.

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Understanding the Power of the Mind

Eric Almeida shares his personal experience with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and how it led him to understand the power of our minds in shaping our experiences. He discusses how false narratives can become powerful forces in our lives, but by recognizing and challenging them, we can find new ways of being and experience greater freedom and authenticity.

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Exploring Emotional Intelligence: How Men Can Learn to Process Their Emotions in a Healthy Way

Processing emotions is crucial for both men and women, but men tend to struggle with identifying and expressing their emotions effectively. To develop a greater sense of emotional intelligence and improve their mental health, men should create a practice around introspection and give themselves time to understand and connect with their emotions.

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Dealing with Depression Eric Almeida Dealing with Depression Eric Almeida

Is Your Job Making You Sick?

Work is an essential part of most of our lives. The average American spends about 40 hours per week working, which is equal to over 20% of our lives. The quality of this time is vital to ones mental and physical health. There are many factors that can contribute to someone’s work having a negative impact on their health…

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Dealing with Depression Eric Almeida Dealing with Depression Eric Almeida

When the Joy of Motherhood Turns into a Nightmare – Postpartum Depression

Becoming a mother is seen as a joyous part of a woman’s life. Think of the stories we tell children about where babies come from: a mommy and a daddy, who love each other very much, make a wish and the stork shows up with a new baby for them. This is a very Disneyfied version of the truth that we relay to our children. Yet, we also simplify the process for the soon to be mothers as well.

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Dealing with Depression Eric Almeida Dealing with Depression Eric Almeida

When Sadness Turns Into Depression

Sadness is one of the fundamental emotions that every human being feels. It is defined as being in a state of unhappiness or sorrow. American culture has an aversion to sadness. It has gone so far as to stigmatize sadness, and claim that it is possible to live a life of only happiness and joy. How often do we hear from people, “Don’t be upset, everything will be OK”? These words may be said in order to support or soothe the person who is distraught.

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Dealing with Depression Eric Almeida Dealing with Depression Eric Almeida

The Winter Blues - Seasonal Affective Disorder

The winter months arrive every year like clockwork. For many of us who live further away from the equator, winter comes with a notable loss of sunlight and a significant drop in temperature. Not only are there less hours of sunlight, the sun is not as direct and intense as it typically would be in the summer. Add to that, the increase in the number of layers of clothing we have to wear to deal with the cold.

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