Going with the Flow: Embracing Reality and Responding as Your Highest Self

Accepting the Present Moment

A fundamental truth that is often overlooked in our day-to-day lives - that we cannot control the external world, and we need to accept the present moment for what it is. He points out that the energy we waste in trying to change the external world could be better utilized in elevating the current moment to its highest version.

Examples of Accepting the Present Moment

Here are two examples - one where we are upset because it is raining when we wanted to go hiking, and another where we are in the middle of an intense argument with our spouse. In both cases, it is best for us to accept the present moment for what it is and use our mental and emotional energy to find solutions rather than resisting the present moment.

Finding Solutions Rather Than Resisting the Present Moment

The first example is straightforward. We cannot change the weather, and if it is raining when we wanted to go hiking, we should accept it and find a way to enjoy hiking in the rain, or schedule the hike for another day and use the time to do something else.

Accepting Reality in Intense Emotional Situations

The second example is more complex because it involves an intense emotional situation. Ideally we should not fight the reality of what is happening, but accept it for what it is. If our spouse is upset and wants a divorce, we should not try to argue with her or resist the situation. Instead, we should use our mental and emotional energy to find a solution that elevates the moment to its highest version. This may involve listening to our spouse and understanding her perspective, or finding a way to communicate our own feelings in a constructive manner.

Elevating Any Situation to Its Highest Version

These words are a reminder that life is unpredictable, and we cannot control everything that happens to us. However, we can control how we respond to these situations. By accepting the present moment for what it is, and using our energy to find solutions, we can elevate any situation to its highest version. This is not always easy, but it is a worthwhile practice that can lead to greater peace, happiness, and fulfillment in life.


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